by foleymediagroup | Aug 25, 2013 | Cancer Journey
Tom and I are trying to decide how to celebrate Aug. 28, his fifth birthday post-stem cell transplant. We feel very blessed and a bit stunned. We had hoped that we could get here. Now that it’s occurred, we aren’t sure how to react. We have been...
by foleymediagroup | Aug 10, 2013 | Cancer Journey
We said goodbye to Carbone Cancer Center this week. It was Tom’s last brain cancer treatment appointment. He got his final “cancer-free” blessing from Doc Kahl. We now head into pre-birthday festivities. We are all eager to celebrate...
by foleymediagroup | Apr 21, 2013 | Cancer Journey, Uncategorized
The Big Thaw We have been quiet at Chez Foley as we adjust to our new cancer-free life. Tom’s brain cancer is, at least for the moment, gone. For those who know me, it is unusual that I didn’t have a plan with action steps that we would execute once Tom’s brain...
by foleymediagroup | Jan 1, 2013 | Cancer Journey
Artist Virginia Huber, our neighbor and friend, shared this work of art after reading yesterday’s post. It’s titled, “1paint.1steady,” and it was crafted after a project that Virginia and husband, David, finished at home. It’s a...
by foleymediagroup | Dec 29, 2012 | Cancer Journey
Auld Lang Syne 2009-2013 Many of you know that I would very much love to publish a book about my husband Tom’s cancer journey to help those who will be diagnosed behind us. While the online journal, caringbridge, was an innovation in 2008, it’s now...