
The Other Side of the Notebook

Preferred Channel: Email or Social Media?      At Madison’s Social Media Breakfast this week, Organic Valley showed that its fans are using email newsletters less and their Facebook more? It made me ask myself if I should reduce the time I use email to talk to clients...

The Other Side of the Notebook

Contest a bust; Bye-bye to Deb Ziff The Foley-At-Large Contest on Channel3000.com for citizens to offer advice on sane political advertising failed. I’ll take my friend, Sharon, to lunch. She’s the only one who even commented. Wisconsin took a few days off to figure...

The Other Side of the Notebook

Media by any other name Several people have asked me why I didn’t put Social Media on my card or in my materials. I am one of the few people who remember that we called it New Media in the ’90s. I use social media every day. I’m using it right now....

The Other Side of the Notebook

It’s not the dark side I’ve been surprised during the past week that many of my colleagues still in the daily journalism world patted me on the back for my new entrepreneurial venture at Foley Media Group. It’s Journalism Week in Madison with the...

The Other Side of the Notebook

Join me as I move from a long career as a journalist at very large companies to a start-up, called Foley Media Group. I’m going from one side of the notebook to the other. I am still writing a column for Channel3000.com and occasional pieces for the Wisconsin...